Online marketing & SEO for recruitment

The primary objective of recruitment is to find the right employee for a specific position the first time around. Doing so reduces the likelihood of a candidate leaving after spending only a brief time on the job.

Digital marketing for recruiters

This, of course, is easier said than done. Recruitment firms need to have access to the biggest pool of candidates possible to increase their chances of selecting and onboarding the right people for specific vacancies.

The most cost-effective way of casting a wide net, so to speak, is by implementing digital marketing for recruitment purposes. But how do you go about this?

Benefits of online marketing for recruitment

Digital marketing for recruiters is a major factor in building a robust online presence – whether you’re in search of clients looking for talent or candidates seeking employment.

By employing strategic digital marketing for recruitment, you can experience these benefits:

Receive more applications You can increase your audience reach by adopting a social media marketing strategy where every recruitment post you publish can be shared across different platforms. This could mean more post shares, comments and views, as well as people applying for the vacancy.
More brand exposure If you’re struggling to build awareness for your recruitment company, you can tap into social media, text messaging, paid ads, SEO, video marketing, email, and so on. These are all effective ways of sharing information with your audience and gaining more brand exposure.
Targeted searches By combining marketing analytics and data captured in past campaigns, you’ll gain more insights into your industry and recruitment processes. Digital marketing for recruiters enables you to target top talent by providing filters to refine your searches, thereby saving precious time.

Common questions about recruitment SEO

This is a distinct possibility if you sign with us for your SEO and online marketing campaign, as social media is where people - including job seekers - tend to converge.

We have specific package options and custom content plans available. If you need more information or are interested in receiving a custom content plan and quote, please get in touch with us.

Just like you, candidates go online and check reviews and social media to know more about the company they are being considered for. Digital marketing for recruitment purposes allows you to control the narrative and present yourself or your client in the best light.

At White Chalk Road, collaboration plays a central role in all our client dealings. Therefore, aside from providing you with regular updates on SEO and website performance, you can also expect us to provide you with detailed monthly reports.

Speak to an online marketing specialist

Whether it is search engine optimisation, Google Ads, social media management or any of our other services, find out how we can help.