Facebook advertising agency

Over 17 million people in Australia use Facebook every day. This gives us a huge opportunity to reach your potential customers via Facebook and Instagram advertising.

Facebook advertising for your business

Done correctly, Facebook Ads are one of the best, most affordable ways to reach your target audience and convert them into customers.

One of the huge advantages of Facebook Advertising is the ultra-specific audience targeting, allowing you to show your product or service to your exact dream customer. We can drill down into demographics, locations, behaviours and preferences to ensure you are reaching the right people, when they are ready to buy.

Just like other social ads, such as Instagram ads and LinkedIn ads, the Facebook algorithm learns from every click, scroll, view and other action your audience takes, so you can fine-tune your ad campaigns.

Take advantage of this huge database of marketing intel and start using Facebook Ads to grow your business today.

Facebook ads strategy

To maximise your Facebook advertising spend, you need to implement a tailored Facebook ads strategy. This starts with identifying your key audiences, creating the right ads, choosing the right time to show them and ongoing analysis. Here’s the Facebook strategy process:

Facebook Pixel We add the Pixel to your website to track all the actions people take on your website. This helps us understand the effectiveness of your ad campaigns by tracking user behaviours.
Choose the right goals What do you want to achieve from your Facebook Ads? We set up specific campaigns focused on your goals, such as Leads, Sales, Brand Awareness or Retargeting.
Create your audiences Using Facebook’s wealth of data, we can drill down to your exact perfect audience and market specifically to them. Facebook allows us to set up Audiences based on demographics, interests and how they interact with pages and ads. We can also drill down to within a 1km radius of where your audience is to reach your specific service areas.
Engaging ad copy For your Facebook Ads to succeed, you need great creatives. This starts with your Strategy, ensuring we are designing the ad copy to suit your audience. Facebook is a noisy space, we create ads that will stop the scroll and connect with your audience. We use extensive testing and drill down into analytics to determine which ads are working and optimise accordingly.
Landing page Once you have hooked your dream customer, you need to ensure they are compelled to take action. We create the perfect landing page to meet your user’s intent, so they can easily complete your Call to Action, be it buying the product, booking an appointment or filling in a contact form.
Retargeting Don’t let your website visitors forget about you. We set up retargeting campaigns to market specifically to people who haven’t completed a purchase or other action on your website.

Creative ads for your Facebook page

The social media advertising landscape is a crowded one. Yes, your target audience spends a lot of time on social media each day, and Facebook users are a valuable resource for your company. But there are other things to consider, like just how many other advertising campaigns are competing with your own Facebook campaign.

This is why you need a strong creative direction within your Facebook posts and ads. You need to create copy that is going to hit the mark, time and time again. You need to light up your audience’s Facebook feed with posts that are going to do the job. Ad creative services from White Chalk Road provide the solution.

Choosing the right Facebook marketing company for your campaign

Your business is unique, which means your Facebook ads campaigns need to be unique too. There is no such thing as an off-the-peg advertising campaign, and so you need your very own Facebook ads that represent your business and your identity perfectly in your digital marketing.

So how is this done? Well, you need to find Facebook ad agencies that can offer a personalised and tailored service, delivering Facebook campaigns that match your business’s aims and objectives completely. What’s more, you need an ad agency that is the perfect fit for your company — with a team that is ready and willing to work alongside you in creating Facebook advertising strategies that do the job.

Here at White Chalk Road, we are proud to be this Facebook ad agency for our clients.

Want to know more about Facebook advertising with us?

What makes us the right choice for your business?

At White Chalk Road we endeavour to help all clients succeed through the following approaches:

A communicative approach We can’t help you build your Facebook advertising strategy without first getting to know you and precisely what you are all about. This is why we offer in-depth consultations as we develop your Facebook marketing strategy, learning about your business and your objectives, taking your input onboard, and then applying our own expertise as we make this strategy happen.
A data-driven Facebook Ads agency We are a data-driven Facebook marketing agency, which means we work towards measurable goals and base our strategies on powerful analytics. Our clients need numbers and proof that demonstrate the success of their Facebook campaign. We deliver this and also use the resulting data as a resource to power future success in your marketing.
A keen focus on ad spend optimisation Facebook marketing services are all about making money, not wasting it. This is why Facebook Ads cost is such an important consideration for our clients. With our expertise, we can optimise these costs for you, ensuring that every dollar spent on your ad campaign is not only driving website traffic but also actively building revenue for your business.
Full integration with social media marketing initiatives A Facebook ad does not exist in isolation. In order to reach your target audiences effectively, you need a broader strategy — one that will combine paid ads and organic social media marketing to enhance your Facebook Ads’ worth. We’ll help you achieve highly targeted Facebook Ads to grow your audience, while backing this up with effective organic copy.
A diverse Facebook advertising strategy toolkit Facebook marketing works by putting your business in front of the right eyes — developing your audience. To achieve this, we draw upon a range of analytic tools that we use to build a winning ad campaign. Through testing and monitoring, we can turn a good Facebook Ad into a great one, exciting and energising your targeted audience.
Aligning Facebook Ads, Google Ads and other strategies Alignment is key as you optimise your advertising dollars. Basically, everything needs to be working as a unified whole, bringing together creative ads on Facebook with advertisements on other channels such as Google. To get the best from the sales process, you need to back this up with landing pages that deliver exactly what the leads want to see. At WCR, we make this happen.

Get started with Facebook advertising

White Chalk Road is a holistic digital marketing agency. We create tailored strategies encompassing all of your digital assets, including Social Media, Google Ads and SEO, to get the best return on your marketing investment.

Talk to one of our experts, to start getting more leads and sales online today.

Frequently asked questions about Facebook Ads

Here are the answers to some common questions that clients ask about Facebook Ads.

More questions? Get in touch and we will be more than happy to answer them for you.

Facebook Ads are a type of online advertisement that appear on your timeline on the Facebook mobile app or at the top of your feed. Advertisers pay to promote their products and services, videos and other content that they think is relevant to you based on your interests. They can target by age, country, language, gender as well as customise targeting options such as education level and relationship status.

Facebook Ads are a great way for businesses to take advantage of targeting features and find their ideal audience at a low cost. In essence, Facebook allows you to advertise your products or services without worrying about wasting money on advertising to the wrong market.

You can optimise your Facebook Ads in a range of ways, including;

  • Specify your target market.
  • Exclude "converted" from your target audience as they are likely already a customer, so you can focus your budget on finding new customers (depending on the goal of your advertisement and business type).
  • Select the correct campaign objective.
  • Change the ad from running 24/7 to only the days and times you would like your ad to be shown.
  • Set up an ad rotation, so your target market doesn't get bored or annoyed seeing the same ad.
  • Change where your advertisement is placed on Facebook.

Audience segmentation for Facebook Ads means dividing your audience into different personas. For example, you may have one type of customer that would benefit from a specific type of product, and you may have another customer who is looking for another one of your products.

You will need to tailor your Facebook advertising to fit these different demographics. Altering your Facebook ad copy will help you speak directly to your specific audience segments, increasing the chances of making a sale.

eCommerce and Facebook Ads are the perfect fit. By engaging your audience on Facebook, you are fostering connections with warm leads — leads who are just a few clicks from your eCommerce store.

Direct your audience to your eCommerce landing page to help them convert, or use audience targeting to drive traffic directly to specific product pages. You maintain control over how you build revenue for your eCommerce business when you utilise Facebook marketing services from White Chalk Road.

There are many ways to track sales during your Facebook advertising campaign. One is to deploy Facebook Pixel to track and optimise conversion rates. Another is to use Facebook’s own marketing analytics to assess how the ad is performing on your audience’s social media feeds. A third method is to draw upon on-page analytics to identify clicks through to your landing pages, followed by conversions. We use all of these methods and more to gain the data required to run your campaign.

Facebook Pixel is a tool that you can deploy to make sure that your Facebook Ads are performing as they should. While Pixel itself is just a piece of code that you build into the structure of your ad, the results it can achieve are huge as this code gives you insight into conversion rates and other metrics. Here at WCR, we use this handy tool to help us structure our clients’ campaigns in the right way, drawing upon formidable insight as we help them to build revenue.

Speak to an online marketing specialist

Whether it is search engine optimisation, Google Ads, social media management or any of our other services, find out how we can help.